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Shanghai Songjiang Eastern Command to celebrate Spring Festival is open operational meetings all above the regimental level military officers are the commander of the Lieutenant General CaiE, convened over the time scale Landing Operation grand Large refinement to each a group-level combat units, and made a great adjustment according to the changing situation on the strategic task of the Eastern Army.
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Army and small amount Broken warships in Taiwan. Taiwan military now than in 1895 with the elite of the Guards Division and the Sixth Division, but a command structure of the military level, the twenty thousand scattered by the wing, brigade army (tactical basis for the preparation of the Japanese Army Division) The commander think twice, after a multi-party communication with the Chief of the General Staff, the Corps decided to organize a surprise, into the northern army built

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Within the Seoul World Cup Stadium, South Korea fans crazy shouting: out of breath, All eleven players in the Chinese team stood there, looking at the run Korean players enjoy cheering on the court, listening to South Korean fans noisy, but very rhythmic slogans, they first feel the pressure from their own is so close to victory remote is not expected to.
Du Wei as the Olympic team of Big Brother, of course, to take responsibility, slowly walked in front of the goal, squat patted Yang Chen: broke again, this is the only thing to do now, understand? give me up. Yang Chen opened his eyes, wiped his eyes, nodded firmly, turned and looked at other teammates found their eyes and did not complain, complain, but to understand, encourage, again almost cried out Yang Chen .
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He barely out of the ten steps away, suddenly heard behind gently cry bowstring ring sound, followed vest slight pain, wound immediately numb. was stopped in his throat, unable to pay for.
Fat man nodded, very satisfied with the power of these poisoned arrows. A fifteen seconds lethal! Unless in Arrow immediately drink a magic antidote, otherwise the slightest hesitation is no doubt kill! Anyway, I heard that there are many bright Master the ranks of the pursuers. etc. They found that the failure of detoxification magic, it is estimated that the arrows have died.
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Mo Fu Rong and said: smaller, as long as we are able to continuously break through enemy lines, they will certainly do a mass chaos North could not find the time, not let us butcher it? 'Seawolf' submarine can be used as shock troops to clear the way, the most good blockbuster to kill the enemy flagship, a ladder, their dog gall! Really is not the world a military genius, no wonder able to temporarily the new high Tang Empire Hyobu phase, Mo Fu Rong few little language put everyone excited, as if the victory in front. Morohito everyone listen to her finish invigorated, only two sullen one Magellan is natural, because Mo Fu Rong ready to annihilate the target was his full team; while the other

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Monday, August 13, 2012

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Black unknown birds in the woods occasionally leave a few times crow and galloped off, the sky slowly fade palace without snow still stand alone, as if an everlasting rock, soft Yuet Wah rapid accumulation in the dark, he looked up the solitude of the dark sky, cool breeze float in the air filled with dew on the trees turn into a quiet and cool Ming Ming scattered among the crowded graves.
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Friday, July 20, 2012

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Monday, July 16, 2012

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Numerous blood of the students was angered by the article, setting off a massive march to denounce the Yuan Shikai, recruiting at the door, asked to join the independence army piled up, most of them are in school.
The military government, and the atmosphere is not so optimistic citizens.
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

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Friday, July 6, 2012

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Pop! Pop! Pop!
Soft clouds of Ling Hong red while marching towards the stage of the standard cat walked side is the head applauded.
In her lead, the applause sounded gradually, and eventually brought together into a passion for the ocean.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

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As a child he and Tracy often in the instigation of other children, pretending to Face burning? That is a creation yo. They also open the store, that leaves the thorns on the leaves is to vote in, according to the size of the pattern beautiful and veins to determine its value ... these are wise and careful Tracy idea.
Dead rotten claws! You to my brother a wife Zeyang Meier? Ah, ah? Hee hee! Said do not say! Tracy some wild, but opposition strength in the rustic charm of revealing the magical charm of the girls in the country outliers is being bullied yo! ... Regret it?
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Gradually sensible, naturally do not do Shen Wei, primary school, timid, mouth stupid, often bullied by classmates. Tracy always in the forefront whenever this time, the text of Wu, can the other side fighting fled.
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Thursday, June 14, 2012

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Think of possible embarrassing and terrible results, he shuddered college now, in 2056 the hard work ... is how fragile it - under the heavy yoke of life.
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Sunday, June 10, 2012

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Came to the bedroom, heroes, monks, Zhuge Liang three, just to get up, to see The Chu Tianxiang into the bedroom, the heroes urgent channel: Kuangyun!
Old Chu sitting in your own bed, laughing: me, tell the truth I tell you, now who hurt me, so you do not worry about me. ! Gossip, Wu also sent around looking for you the last time you and wounded his two hands, I heard that now there is no good, ah the old, old Chu Chu, I am a monk always thought Laoge outlaws, did not think you even shot a weak scholar so hard! Laoge the monks retreated to the side of the Road: old Chu,NFL Caps, you do not be afraid Wu, at school, he was not able to you how a school may hard to say, so when you are a person must pay attention to. is ten Wu old Chu nor will they looked down on. beaming big smiles.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

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One hour walk down to either rely on the strength of body inflammation strongly resting in silence, watching the coming and going of the crowd in the street, bursts of drowsiness attacked him.
shenfa waiter that elusive, he began to believe that the armed woman said those words, although it sounds very vague, but very comfortable feeling with her, especially her body fragrance, has allowed is so familiar, it seems a long, long time ago, has profoundly reflected in his mind.
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Suddenly turned around for suspicious people and objects.
This morning, but he shadow waiters things to scare away, no longer afraid to be too great care. At this point, he lit a cigarette carefully, silently smoking, to prepare for contingencies.
After looking at the ground under the shadow of the sun mapping real M1b careful of walking, and my heart is try to figure out, you never know when the shadow waiter suddenly appeared after the last lesson, to understand the shadow waiters strange ability, and this time he determined not to eat the same loss, in addition to manipulation of shadow is the shadow waiter's skill is in bad very, mlb strength completely and she was fighting it, the only circumvent a cigarette in his hand this is destined to burn in a The biggest fire ever, as long as she dared to appear real M1b will not have the slightest hesitation.
So nervous to go for a while, and found no traces of the shadow waiters, street people are busy walking, he intended to pass through the crowd noise as slowly mixed with his own shadow in the crowd, but a cigarette burn any movement or not, you can still kind of thorn in the side of feeling.
Smoke as early as burn down burn no burn desperation, real M1b thrown into the trash, select the line before the small, dark place, he was sure must have way too many people this guy did not find the start opportunities, so that under

Saturday, June 2, 2012

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Gently put on his clothes, quilt cover, and Zhou Rong Lin Feng went to this wash.
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Since that night, Zhou Rong Lin Feng, more gentle, although also often Shuadian the little temper, but Lin Feng can also understand her intention, it is to own a baby!
To understand Nannvzhishi, Lin Feng deliberately went to the bookstore to buy a book in this regard, a result, he was also Zhou Rong to joke for a long time, said he is a fool fool fool this fool was able to get her heart, would like to Want to Lin Feng feel proud of it.
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Thursday, May 31, 2012

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Not just taken a few steps, stopped by a young monk Yi Cheng in their way. date with Oriental poetry Yun Qin Lang, the young monk is now the morning, so last night.
Novices, you, ah! tempted like, are like a monk.
Yi Cheng's close to the clothes of the two wind automatically every now and then, Yi Cheng shirt so he did not, but the young monk is a large long service, the hem of the most obvious.
Yi Cheng shot the moment, the young monk hands together even the right foot Yiduo, leaning backward Feitui. Yi Cheng eyes flashed a little accident, I did not expect the young age of this young monk, martial arts is all very well, but also tender points Yi Cheng contemptuous smile, as usual mention, if this world has a trace of looked down on like, it is merely his habit. look of disdain is the most easy to provoke the enemy, except that the mental is a very firm people.
Yi Cheng toes point again, the body